EWG launches Lightspeed API in fintech sector

Posted: 14/03/2024

Jersey Fintech, EWG, launches Lightspeed API, a fast-start route to embedded cross-border payments and FX for Fiduciary, Corporate and Fund Services.

Warren Sanders Founding Director of EWG

EWG’s Lightspeed API enables clients to process transactions in near real time – a game changer for clients who need to perform transactions or exchanges securely and quickly.

“EWG is a fast-growing player in the rapidly evolving Fintech payments sector, delivering an innovative and cost-effective, digital by default alternative to the traditional banking system that can transform the way our clients transact for themselves or on behalf of their clients,” said Warren Sanders, Founding Director of EWG.

“We have developed the Lightspeed API to provide clients with a highly secure route to achieve low friction transactions with options for straight through processing and seamless integration with the EWG app for compliance oversight and approval processes that meet our clients’ needs.”

Denis Philippe, CTO, EWG added: “EWG listens, understands and delivers what our clients need most from a trusted digital banking partner. We innovate, using smart technology to solve key challenges presented to the professional business market, and that is where our Lightspeed API was born from – a defined client need. Lightspeed API is powered by AWS, the world’s largest cloud provider, which enables us to access the most comprehensive suite of services, allowing us to create a secure and performant solution.”

Warren commented: “Many of our clients are dealing in high value, and often high volume, cross-border payments. They need to partner with a digital banking services provider whose technology can be seamlessly embedded into their own business processes and without the need for staff to switch systems and learn how to use them. Securely linking systems ensures clients can maximise business efficiencies and speed up processing.”

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