New Circular Economy Focused App looking for Beta Testers

Posted: 07/02/2023

Rethink the way you consume everyday items using our safe and secure lending and renting platform.

#BeFreer and feel great

Freer app demonstrated on phone screen

Freer is an App designed to help each of us play our part in reducing consumption, helping the planet while earning or saving money in the process.

Freer puts access over ownership so people can enjoy everyday items without owning them.

We are planning to release the App in Jersey and Guernsey in the next 3 months so we are now looking for people that would like to have access to the App as early “beta” users.

There are two stages of the “beta” period, the first one is “sandbox” which is to list your items you would be happy to rent out on the App as well as rent out items from other beta users. During that first phase, those will not be real payments and real rentals but would work just the same.

Once that first phase is completed, we will switch the payment system to live and we would then ask you to do exactly the same as during the sandbox period but this time, using real payments and collecting and returning the items you’ve rented.

What we ask is for Beta testers to use the App and populate it with items, requests, rentals, stories and experiences as real as possible and provide honest feedback and reporting any bugs and issues experienced during those periods as well as suggestions for improvements

This is not a paid role, however, we will provide free credits to use the App as well as discount vouchers.

If interested , please reach out to Fred Meyer via [email protected]

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