Posted: 15/10/2013
On 11th October Education, sport and culture released their vision for IT education in the island at an event, titled ‘Thinking Differently’. The ...
On 11th October Education, sport and culture released their vision for IT education in the island at an event, titled ‘Thinking Differently’. The vision is set to lead to Jersey to delivering ‘an education system that punches above its weight, globally’, according to Rod Bryans, assistant minister for Education, Sport and Culture.
The presentation has underlined the creative and supportive attitude that the states of Jersey are demonstrating towards using IT to enhance learning within and beyond the classroom. The underlying principles for the vision are:
Teaching and learning will be innovative, bringing a new and engaging computing curriculum for 21st century education, with emphasis on employable skill for girls as well as boys. Students will be able to get to grips with skills such as primary coding and computer theories, and be able to personalise their learning experiences. High quality teachers will be maintained in the island’s schools, who will be supported by continual professional development.
Access to effective IT infrastructure, through high speed and e-safe WAN, LANs and wi-fi will be provided to all local schools. Technology will be used innovatively in schools to explore new ideas and innovations to equip and enable pupils both in school and in their future careers. Pupils will be taught about the risks of using technology, and the importance of acting responsibly online.
Industry will support education through advice, learning and by providing relevant experiences to students. Students who want to pursue a career in IT will be able to find the engagement and encouragement of local industry.
A total of £6,000,000 is being invested in this scheme, with the costs being broken down as follows:
Digital Jersey is excited to see such support within the States of Jersey in the development of a talent pipeline that will invest in both the youth of the island, but also the future.